Rent a bus for your events in a few clicks !
Private transport service dedicated to Events agencies and professionals.
As every event is unique together we’ll ensure to make it special
EVENT TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SERVICE : Group transport service dedicated to events agencies. Quickly get your minibus and coach hire prices for transfers, day trips and tours to and from more than 150 cities in Europe and UK.
Delegate your transport management when organizing your marketing, incentive, private or professional events.
With our experience in the field of travel and transfers by bus and minibus associated to your experience in the event management, we will together guarantee the best service to each of your guest !
We offer a wide range of vehicles from 8 seater minibus to 49 seater coach until 78 double decker coach, so whatever the size of your group, we will find the most suitable vehicle for your needs.
Our Transport Specialists team will handle all your minibus and bus hire requirements in order to prepare and organize your journey as best as possible !
Get more information about our transport service dedicated to events agencies
Get easily your minibus and coach hire prices throughout Europe and the United Kingdom.
Minibus and bus hire : please select your travel destination
Events from Austria
AUSTRIAEvents from Belgium
BELGIUMEvents from Corsica
CORSICAEvents from Croatia
CROATIAEvents from Czech Republic
CZECH REPEvents from Denmark
DENMARKEvents from Finland
FINLANDEvents from France
FRANCEEvents from Germany
GERMANYEvents from Greece
GREECEEvents from Hungary
HUNGARYEvents from Ireland
IRELANDEvents from Italy
ITALYEvents from Luxembourg
LUXEMBOURGEvents from Monaco
MONACOEvents from Netherlands
NETHERLANDSEvents from Norway
NORWAYEvents from Poland
POLANDEvents from Portugal
PORTUGALEvents from Sardinia
SARDINIAEvents from Spain
SPAINEvents from Sweden
SWEDENEvents from Switzerland
UNITED KINGDOMContact details :
Office London
- Address :7, Bell Yard London, WC2A 2JR, United-Kingdom
- Opening hour Monday - Friday : 09:00 - 18:00
Write & Call
- Email :
- Phone :+44 (0) 203 642 6336